
meeting of space communications experts معنى

  • اجتماع خبراء الاتصالات الفضائية
  • meeting    n. لقاء, دعوة, اجت ...
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • space    n. الفضاء, حيز, فر ...
  • communications    الاتصالات
  • experts    الخبراء; خبراء

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. meeting of senior officials on drug abuse issues in asia and the pacific معنى
  2. meeting of senior officials on environment and development in asia and the pacific معنى
  3. meeting of senior officials on the intergovernmental structure subsidiary to the commission معنى
  4. meeting of senior officials on women in development معنى
  5. meeting of senior united nations officials in the economic and social sectors on multilateral co-operation معنى
  6. meeting of state parties to the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women معنى
  7. meeting of states of the zone of peace and co-operation in the south atlantic معنى
  8. meeting of states parties معنى
  9. meeting of statistical offices of the mediterranean countries معنى
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